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Welcome 8th-12th Graders! 

Temple Shalom offers teens a menu of learning, social justice, leadership, community, and travel experiences. You get to decide how you want to engage, Jewishly. 

Do you want to….

Make a Difference? Participate in our teen-led social justice initiatives!
Explore and Learn? Dive into new Jewish learning projects!
Become a Leader and a Role Model? Join the Madrichim program! Positions still available for 2024-2025
Socialize and Get Involved? Attend a social event!

Temple Shalom Teens Group Trip to Washington DC - 9th-12th Graders L'Taken Social Justice Seminar - January 10-13 , 2025

Temple Shalom has only 10 spaces available for our 2025 trip so act fast! 

At L'Taken you will - Explore DC, meet 100s of Jewish teens from around the country, learn about important social justice issues, share your ideas and views Senators & Reps from MA, have a once in a life time experience! 

Questions: Please contact Marriah Vengroff

Ready to Sign-Up?

Learn More about L'Taken

What is L'Taken Are you ready to change the world?  Then, get excited for the Bernard and Audre Rapoport L’Taken Social Justice Seminar! L'Taken means "to repair" in Hebrew, and, in partnership with the Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC), you will have the opportunity to impact and begin to repair our country as you share your views on social justice topics with decision-makers on Capitol Hill. 

About the Temple Shalom Trip

Chaperones: This trip is staffed by at least one member of our Learning & Engagement team who will travel with and lead the group through the L'taken experience. A  member of the clergy will also join us for part or all of the trip.

Travel & Stay: We will fly as a group to DC and back. Coach busses are provided by the seminar for ground transportation while in DC. Students will stay in hotel rooms of 3 or 4 Temple Shalom students. The chaperones have rooms on the same floor and are available to assist students at all times.

Cost: The cost is dependent on the price of flights. The trip total is usually between $700-$900 (this includes flight, hotel, the seminar, and most meals.) Some scholarship money is available on a case by case basis.


What's Happening for Jewish Teens around Greater Boston?

Click the Image Below to visit JTI for all Jewish Teen happenings in the area! 

Upcoming Opportunities for Jewish Teens in Boston area- 

For Teens Grades 9-12 at Hebrew College

Join a vibrant community of teen learners, meeting at Hebrew College and in your community.

Explore Talmud and apply Jewish text to modern issue through our Teen Beit Midrash and Moot Beit Din programs. Learn about Jewish philanthropy through our flagship JTFGB (Jewish Teen Foundation of Greater Boston) or interreligious leadership through the Hebrew College Miller Center’s Dignity Project. Or take an academic post-high school gap-year through the Kivunim or Young Judaea Year Course programs.







Interested in learning more about Teen Engagement? Contact Marriah Vengroff of Liz Shiro

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785