Shabbat at Temple Shalom
Our worship services are open to all who are seeking a warm, joyful service filled with music and a spirit of community. Our close-knit and caring congregation invites you to experience what it feels like to be welcomed home to Temple Shalom! We offer a variety of options for celebrating Shabbat on both Friday night and Saturday morning.
Shalom Nosh
Come before services starts with a bit of a nosh and a chance to shmooze at 6 p.m. every Friday September through June.
Friday night services
Shabbat Halleilu
A spirited service in song, Shabbat Halleilu, is held on the first Friday of every month at 6:30 p.m. The Shabbat Halleilu Band accompanies the worship, which is appropriate for all ages. Children are welcome and invited to lead the hamotzi blessing over the challah at the conclusion of the service. The service is followed by a festive Oneg Shabbat at 7:30 p.m.
Shabbat Evening Service
Services begin year-round at 6:30 p.m., which may be enhanced by the volunteer Shir Shalom Choir and professionals, Music Director David Carrier on organ or piano and other musicians. Sermons are offered by our Rabbis and occasional guest speakers. The service is followed by a festive Oneg Shabbat at 7:30 p.m.
During the summer months, services are held in Rothman Chapel.
Saturday morning
Minyan and Torah Study
This combines lay-led praying and a study of the Torah portion and is held every Saturday year-round at 8:45 a.m. In between Minyan and Torah study, there is a delicious home-made breakfast served. The Temple Shalom Minyan Cookbook is available online with many excellent recipes that have been served.
Due to concern over COVID-19 our minyan and Torah study will meet virtually beginning March 21 at 8:45am. To log in you will need to download Zoom and follow this link. Materials to follow the service can be found here and printed in advance. Tutorial videos about using Zoom calls can be found online.
Shabbat Morning Services
Saturdays at 10:30 a.m. in the Sanctuary featuring a Torah Service led by our B’nai Mitzvah students. Please check our calendar for details.
There are parking spaces on two levels reserved for those with special needs. For weekday entry on the lower level, they are outside the entrance between the upper and lower parking lot. For services or special events in the Sanctuary or Social Hall, they are located at the top of the main parking lot and by the lower fence. There are no steps at either entrance.
The Temple has an elevator that can access every level. There are four accessible bathrooms, one on the office level, one on the worship level, and two on the lower Nursery School level. We have large print prayer books available for both Shabbat and High Holy Day services and portable hearing assist devices. Please speak to one of our ushers if you require any special assistance.
Makom Kadosh
"We reimagined our makom kodesh — this holy space — in such a way that it would pay homage to our rich history and the founders of this community. At the same time, we looked ahead and considered what our synagogue needed to be relevant not only today, but 50 years from now."
Excerpt from Rabbi Berry’s 2019 Kol Nidre Sermon