Saturday, March 27 to Sunday, April 4
Most years we join with family and friends in our homes to celebrate the holiday. We sing together, cook delicious food with recipes handed down through the generations, and remember those who sat at our Passover table in years past who are no longer with us. Passover is a celebration of freedom, community and family. Again, this year, we need to give ourselves permission to observe Passover differently. Many of us will need to find creative ways to bring our family and friends close. It will not be the same, but we can still gather around our Seder table and celebrate our many blessings.
Below you will find a step-by-step guide to planning your Seder. Each step includes helpful resources, including music, haggadot, and how-to videos! And please join us for our Passover events, including Second Seder, Yizkor Service, and Outdoor Movie Night!
A Step-by-Step Guide to Planning Your Seder
Step 1: Plan Ahead
- Decide what is the most important part of the Seder to you and make sure that is included (it is ok if other pieces don’t happen this year)
- If you plan to invite family and friends to an online experience create a Zoom link early
- Decide what time and for how long you will be together
- Choose an online Haggadah (booklet containing the Seder liturgy) (some options are below)
- Ask different people to lead certain sections or choose how you would like to use your Haggadah together
Step 2: Choose a Haggadah (Seder booklet)
Here are some great options to choose from:
- Our Temple Shalom Family Haggadah created by our own students!
- The Union for Reform Judaism (URJ) has made several of their Haggadot available as free flip books, including a child friendly option
- You can choose to create your own Haggadah here and also here
- The URJ has created a list of digital resources that you can use to enliven your Seder and add some creative twists
- This is an amazing assortment of Haggadot, recipes appropriate for smaller crowds, and other online tools:
- Check out this great Haggadah supplement created especially for this year’s unique circumstance
Step 3: Add Your Music
Choose the songs you will sing in advance! Cantor Shafritz has created a playlist of Passover music:
- Dayenu: Learn the words to the Passover Seder song, from Bim Bam
- Dayenu, Maccabeats version
- Who Knows One? An English version of Echad Mi Yodea for Passover!
- Echad Mi Yodea?
- Mah Nishtanah, by the Maccabeats
- Uptown Passover by Six13
- Avadim Hayinu
- Frogs!
- Lotsa Lotsa Matzah
Step 4: Practice, Practice, Practice
PJ Library shared wonderful step by step videos for families to access seder together! Check out the playlist here to watch them all, or pick and choose your family's favorite traditions.
Step 5: Get the Kids Involved
For those planning a child-friendly Seder, you can find great resources here from PJ Library and by clicking the other links below.
Printable Hagaddah designed for families with young children
Design your own Hagaddah!
DIY Seder Plate
Step 6: Celebrate Passover with Temple Shalom
Join us for...
Second Night Seder on Sunday, March 28 at 5:45 PM. Register here!
Yirzkor Service on on Friday, April 2 at 5:45 PM at this Zoom link
Outdoor Movie Night: The Prince of Egypt on Saturday, April 3 at 7:30 PM. Register here!