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Interfaith Families

My house shall be a house of prayer for all peoples. (Isaiah 56:7)

Temple Shalom has a long tradition of welcoming interfaith families. 
Our synagogue is enriched by the presence of the many interfaith families among our members. If your family is interfaith, we welcome you to our community and invite you to participate fully in our congregational life.

Who is part of an interfaith family? 
Many more of us than you may think! The traditional meaning is a couple in which one member is Jewish and the other is from a different faith background. The interfaith couple faces many challenges, from how to raise children religiously to how to honor and respect traditions from both families. Interfaith extended families are created by conversion and intermarriage within the larger family group. Both nuclear and extended interfaith families face challenges of decision-making, holiday celebration and honoring other traditions.

If any of these descriptions sounds like your family, Temple Shalom clergy and lay members of the Interfaith Connection are available for conversation and support. You can get in touch by calling the Temple office at 617-332-9550.

To our members who are not Jewish: 
We warmly invite you to be part of our community. Whether you are affiliated with another religious institution or Temple Shalom is your only congregation, you are part of our Temple family and we hope you will consider our synagogue a place you can call home. Access to clergy, learning opportunities, and participation in synagogue life are available to you just as they are to Jewish members.

Some members from different faith backgrounds are interested in exploring a deeper connection to Judaism. We welcome your interest, but will never pressure you to consider conversion. Our clergy are available should you want to have a conversation about your options, and laypersons are available through the Interfaith Connection for additional support.


Helpful websites:

18Doors: for many relevant resources related to interfaith families and Jewish life

My Jewish Learning: a resource about Jewish holidays, rituals, celebrations, recipes, Torah, history, and more.


Living a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant

Choosing a Jewish Life by Anita Diamant

The Guide to Jewish Interfaith Family Life: An handbook by Ronnie Friedland and Edmund Case, ed.

The Interfaith Family Guidebook: Practical Advice for Jewish and Christian Partners by Joan C. Hawxhurst

Inside Intermarriage: A Christian Partner’s Perspective by James Keen

For a more extensive list, go to and (click on links to Interfaith and/or Conversion)

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785