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2024 Book of Memory

Book of Memory

At our Yom Kippur Yizkor service, and again during Sukkot, Passover, and Shavuot, we remember those who have died and, as a community, support those who are mourning. Once again this year, we will be creating a Digital Book of Memory to honor our loved ones, which will be presented at the Yizkor Service on these four holidays, and shared with the congregation online.  

Submission Options:
1. Repeat your text-only submission from last year.
2. Repeat your text-only submission from last year and add additional name(s). 
3. Add a new submission with text only. 
4. Add a new submission with photographs+text for a charge of $100. View a sample photo submission here.

This year, a text only entry into the Book of Memory is included in your Shalom Commitment, while a full-page submission with up to four photographs is a charge of $100.

It is also customary to remember our loved ones by contributing to tzedakah (charity). We are also deeply grateful if you choose to make a gift. 

The deadline to submit entries for the Book of Memory is tbd.

See last year's Book of Memory here.

Share up to 200 characters (with spaces) to include alone or with your submitted photograph/s.
Murial Greenbaum 1910-1986 
She loved her family above all else and they deeply loved her back.
You can upload a maximum of 4 files.
Upload up to 4 photographs of your loved one to be formatted and included in the Book of Memory 


Your name(s), exactly as you would like them to appear in the Book of Memory.

Wed, September 18 2024 15 Elul 5784