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Financial Information 

The leadership and members of Temple Shalom are committed to thoughtful fiscal planning and financial responsibility.  The sustainability of our congregation rests on the contributions of our members in the form of dues and tzedakah (donations) as well as tuition to learning programs and activities. Our congregation benefits from an endowment grown by generations past and from which we draw interest annually in order to ensure a balanced budget.

Finance Committee
Mark Blecher, Treasurer ♦ Carol Berlin & Judy Levin-Charins, Co-Presidents
Fred Cohen, Michael Freed, Mark Gottesman,  Meryl Kessler,
Ken Leeser, Andy Molinsky,  Jim Shulman, 
Jo-Ann Suna, Joshua Weiss and Michael Zimmer

Temple Shalom Income and Expense Overview

Thu, March 13 2025 13 Adar 5785