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                                             GROUPS AT TEMPLE SHALOM

Below is a full list of current groups.  Don't see a group that sparks your Jewish journey?  Please contact Ken Turkewitz with your thoughts and ideas.

Book Club:  The Temple Shalom Book Club is in its 15th year.  It meets every other month, at a book club member's home, on a rotating basis.  During the pandemic, Book Club met via zoom, but are now transitioning back to face-to-face gatherings.  The discussion leader picks the Jewish-themed book and hosts the meeting.  This club is open to Temple Shalom members and their families.  Book Club is starting their 15th year.  There is no cost if the selected book is available at the library or in a participant’s personal collection.  Many members purchase the selected book on their Kindle or from a retail outlet.  The next meeting will be held on October 18, 2021. The book she has selected: The Last Kings of Shanghai.  To learn more about this group or to get involved, please reach out to Dick Morrison.

Brotherhood:  Brotherhood is open to all adult men at Temple Shalom.  In Brotherhood, you will strengthen bonds through activities such as the Temple Shalom Men's Softball Team (Shtarkers), sponsoring the annual Red Cross Blood Drive (November 7, 2021), breakfasts and events to support Temple Shalom.  To learn more about this group or to get involved, please contact Brotherhood President, Allan Cole.

Caring Community:  This group is open to all Temple Shalom members.  Our Caring Community encourages and nurtures a compassionate community where we support each other during difficult times and celebrate joyous occasions together.  They welcome newborns into the community, reach out to the ill, provide rides, connect and comfort our bereaved.  To learn more about this group or get involved, please click here.

Film Course:  The Temple Shalom Film Course is in its 22nd year.   Due the pandemic, Film Club now views each film selected on your own, via cable or on one of the streaming channels.  Suggestions from Film Club participants are welcome and if available via the internet, will be scheduled.  Film Club meets via zoom every other week to discuss the film and what it tells us about the Jewish experience over the centuries and in different parts of the world.  We meet on Wednesday evening at 7:30 P.M.  The film course discussion is open to every Temple member but, because of the limitations of using zoom, we try to limit participants to 25 - the number of faces that can be seen on the screen at one time.  There is no charge for membership, but there is some cost involved in watching each movie.  Because of differing film availability, we use Amazon Prime TV, Netflix, and cable services like these as well as YouTube, Hoopla, and Kanopy (both of these last two are free).  The cost for each viewing is usually from $2.99 to $4.99.  The next film is Noah which will be discussed on September 8th.  For information and to be added to the email list contact Dick Morrison.

Garden Club:  This group is open to all Temple Shalom members.  The Garden Club promotes the knowledge and skill of floral design, horticulture and gardening.  To learn more about this group or to get involved, please use this link, or reach out to Garden Club leaders, Susan Lunin and Emily Rubenstein.

Israel Engagement Task Force:  The mission of the Israel Engagement Committee is to build and strengthen connections between the Temple Shalom's community and the state of Israel.  Our core principle is the recognition that the existence of the state of Israel is essential to the safety and prosperity of world Jewry.   This group explores this relationship through: educational events, travel, gatherings and personal relationships.  To learn more about this group or to get involved, please click here.

Mahjong:  This group is open to all Temple Shalom members.  Come play Mahjong with us every Wednesday at Temple Shalom.  To learn more about this group or to get involved, please reach out to Carol Berlin.

Music Committee:  The Music Committee supports Temple Shalom's music and musicians (the Cantor, Musicians-in-residence, Shir Shalom Choir, etc.) in a variety of ways, including the presentation of concerts spanning the wide range of Jewish music.  The Music Committee meets monthly, and welcomes new members!  To learn more about this group or to get involved, please contact Co-Chairs: Lillian Sober Ain or Michael Zimmer.

Newton Community Freedge:  Based on the operating principle of “take what you need, leave what you can”, the Freedge is a volunteer-led initiative, organized by the Newton Food Pantry in collaboration with other local organizations. Temple Shalom is a Senior Partner in this collective and has established a Temple Shalom Freedge Team of volunteers to fulfill our responsibilities.   Signups to volunteer at the Freege are every Tuesday.  To learn more about the group or to get involved, please click here.

Saturday Morning Minyan:  Join fellow congregants for lay-led service, followed by a study of the Torah portion.  To learn more about this group or to get involved, please contact Fred Cohen.

Sisterhood:  Sisterhood is open to all adult women at Temple Shalom.  Take a break from your busy life for some time just for you.  In Sisterhood, you will find new friends and old at our many interesting events, created to spark friendship, mitzvot, socializing and learning.  To learn more about this group, events, or to get involved, please click here.

Tzedek:  Sisterhood is open to all adult women at Temple Shalom.  Take a break from your busy life for some time just for you.  In Sisterhood, you will find new friends and old at our many interesting events, created to spark friendship, mitzvot, socializing and learning.  To learn more about this group, events, or to get involved, please click here.  Our Tzedek Team creates opportunites for our congregation to make the world a better place through social action and social justice.  Through this work, we build meaningful relationships both within our Temple community and in the wider Boston and global communities.  We welcome new ideas, participants, and new suggestions.  To learn more or get involved, please contact Arlene Pressman or Elizabeth Connolly.

                                                          FALL HAPPENINGS

 There is a lot to buzz about this fall at Temple Shalom.  Here is a highlight calendar on what's being offered to engage with your Jewish community and peers.  To see a full list of events or to learn more about these events, please check out our Temple Shalom full calendar.


Fri, March 14 2025 14 Adar 5785