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Eight Nights of Light, Laughter & Community!
December 10th through 17th

All Chanukah activities will use THIS ZOOM LINK, except for MINCHA Light the Chanukia
and Sisterhood Word Maven events on Night Eight!

Thursday, December 10

Community Candle Lighting
6:30 PM on Zoom

Light of Connection
Reach out to your Temple Shalom friends via text, phone calls, or
socially distant walk-bys

Friday, December 11

Community Candle Lighting and Light of Shabbat
6:30 PM on Zoom
Join us for candle lighting and a special Shabbat B’yachad Chanukah Service on Zoom. We will also be celebrating Caroline Dorn, our outgoing Membership & Engagement Director.

Saturday, December 12

Light of Light Drive-by Party
4:00-5:00 PM at Temple Shalom

Drive through the Temple Shalom parking lot between 4 and 5 PM for hot chocolate, coffee, and donuts! Please wear your mask.

Sunday, December 13

Community Candle Lighting
6:30 PM on Zoom

Light of Family
Celebrate with your family and post a picture on Facebook and/or
instagram. Don't forget to tag Temple Shalom and use the hashtag #lightofcommunity

Monday, December 14

Community Candle Lighting
6:30 PM on Zoom

Light of Tzedakah
Following candle lighting, join fellow Temple Shalom members
Rebecca Towvim, Arlene and Kurt Pressman,  Mark Gottesman, and the Havemeyer Family for a panel discussion on the topic of Why You Give and Where You Give  on Zoom.

Tuesday, December 15

Community Candle Lighting
6:30 PM on Zoom

Light of Learning Dreidel Tournament
Following candle lighting, join our Learning and Engagement team for a Dreidel Tournament on Zoom

Wednesday, December 16

Light of Latkes and Libations
5:30 PM on Zoom
Join us for a Community Happy Hour!
Bring your favorite adult beverage and favorite latke topping to share

Community Candle Lighting
6:30 PM on Zoom

Thursday, December 17

Light of Pajamas for Families with Young Children
6:00 PM on Zoom
Join us for a special Chanukah celebration for our youngest members. Pajamas encouraged!
There will be songs,  a story, and candle lighting and blessings with the Clergy.

Community Candle Lighting
6:30 PM on Zoom

Light the Chanukia with MINCHA
7:00 PM on Zoom
 Gather with 6th-8th graders and create your very own LED chanukiah that really lights up!
We will be using poster board, copper tape, LED lights, and batteries. All materials will be provided. 

Light of Laughter with The Word Mavens
7:30 PM on Zoom
Join Sisterhood for an evening of laughs with the The Word Mavens, two ladies who know the difference between kvelling and kvetching.  Register Here!

This Chanukah, we are spreading the Light of Giving with a Diaper Drive benefiting the Newton Food Pantry and Centre St Food Pantry. Both pantries are in desperate need of diapers. We are collecting:

Diapers (all sizes; open packages are ok)

Please drop off your donations at the Temple Shalom Lower Entrance between 8 AM and 7 PM from December 4th through 18th.
Or avoid the schlepping and use this Amazon link and select Carol Berlin's Gift Registry Address for shipping options!


Chanukah Resources

For Kids & Families

For Everyone

Sat, September 14 2024 11 Elul 5784