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At Temple Shalom, kehillah  (community) is a core value. Our Caring Community encourages and nurtures a compassionate community where we support each other during difficult times and celebrate joyous occasions together. Our volunteers welcome newborns, reach out to the ill, provide rides, connect with isolated members, and comfort the bereaved.

If you or someone you know needs support, please call the Temple at 617-332-9550
or email the Caring Community. Your privacy will always be respected. 

Welcoming Children into a Family

A Caring Community volunteer will visit with a family, celebrating the arrival of a new addition. The volunteer will deliver a fleece baby blanket or tzedekah box crafted by SHACHARIT K-6 students, sweets for the older siblings and some nourishment for the entire family. We also visit newborn grandchildren of Temple members who live in Newton or neighboring communities.

Connecting With Those in Need

Providing Rides
Caring Community drivers assure that members can attend religious services, classes and other events at Temple. Drivers also can provide transportation to medical appointments.

Supporting the Sick
Caring Community volunteers support members facing illness or injury with notes, calls, visits and help with meals. Shalom Stitchers  knit and crochet healing shawls to those battling serious illness.

Caring Connections (Outreach)
Caring Community fosters connections with members who may be isolated or lonely. Some may feel forgotten as they have moved from their Newton homes and cannot easily come to the Temple building. We stay connected through phone calls and visits with holiday goodies. Please suggest names of those who might benefit from this initiative.

Comforting Mourners

We reach out and visit members who have suffered a loss. On the first Rosh Hashanah following the death of a member, a basket of apples and honey is delivered to the family with sympathies on their loss in the past year and hopes for a peaceful New Year.

If you have suffered a loss and want to speak to our clergy, please call (617) 332-9550 and ask for the Rabbi’s assistant. If our office is closed, listen to instructions for emergency contact information.

Join Our Caring Community

The Caring Community invites you to join our team of volunteers. There are many ways we connect and support each other, and the time commitment is very flexible.

Please let us know how you want to volunteer by checking all relevant boxes. Thank you very much.


Resources and Information

Mental Health Resource Guide
Death and Mourning Guide:
Customs and Observances Surrounding Death and Mourning

Shiva Set-up Guide:

"Shiva Set-up Guide"

For help talking about wishes for end of life care:
For help talking about wishes for end of life care: The Conversation Project

To Find Resources and Services for Seniors:
CJP Senior Direct or call the CJP Senior Hotline (800) 980-1982

For Resources and Services for Those in Need:
Jewish Family and Children's Services of Boston: Resources and programming for people with disabilities, Parkinson's family support, bereavement support groups, domestic abuse counseling, adoption resources and much more.                                    

Websites to help families organize and schedule support in time of need:
Facilitate and schedule volunteers for care-giving, including meals, rides, and visit: Lotsa Helping Hands                                

Interactive online meal-scheduling calendar: Meal Train    

Connect with friends and family during a health event: Caring Bridge

Transportation Resources:
Senior transportation options for Newton residents from the city.

MBTA The Ride

Objective assessment of a driver’s ability to drive safely from Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785